The session chair will ultimately be responsible for ending presentations at the appropriate time, so please adhere to the time limit for your presentation.

When submitting your abstract please indicate your first and second choice for a session topic and whether you are submitting for an oral, poster presentation, or poster presentation with speed talk. A description of each session is provided below. Oral presentations are anticipated to be 20 minutes in length (with questions). Speed talks will be 5 minute timed presentations and will be a component of each session. Instructions for the preparation of talks, posters, and speed talks will be provided upon acceptance of abstracts. Please note that these session topics are not guaranteed and may be adjusted or combined depending on the number of abstracts received.

Oral Presentations
Each oral presentation is a total of 20 minutes — presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes to allow 5 minutes for questions.  Presentations may be loaded onto meeting computers during the registration check in on Sunday and Monday.
Sunday: 3:00pm to 6:00pm in the Hotel Registration Lobby and from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Welcome Mixer
Monday: 8:00am to 8:30am in the Lobby.

Speed Talk Presentations
Each presentation is a total of 5 minutes highlighting a poster presentation using Powerpoint. Posters should be no wider than 40” and no taller than 48”. Speed talks will be 5 minute timed presentations and will be a component of each session.

Poster Presentations
Posters should be no wider than 40” and no taller than 48”.

Posterboards will be available for poster hanging beginning Sunday at 3PM in the Harborview Ballroom & Severn II & III rooms of the Sheraton.  Check your poster number for room assignment.  Posters should be hung by Monday afternoon and will remain up for the duration of the meeting. Posters must be removed from the Harborview Ballroom & Severn II & III rooms of the Sheraton on Friday  before 12:00 pm.