For student travel awards:
We are now accepting applications for travel support - due June 30, 2017. These funds will be used to help defray the travel costs of U.S. students and postdocs attending the Ninth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the U.S.
Travel awards will be restricted to graduate students and postdocs only. Applicants must be enrolled or working as a student or postdoc in a U.S. university. Funds awarded will only provide partial travel support. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate that other sources of funds are available to supplement their award.
To apply for funds, please send a letter to The application letter should include the following:
1. Name, address, telephone, e-mail
2. Institutional affiliation and educational status
3. Advisor or supervisor
4. Research interests
5. Anticipated activity at 9th US HAB symposium (poster / speed talk / oral presentation, first or secondary author)
6. Firm estimate of round trip airfare costs, housing, meals, and other travel needs, if justified
7. Other sources of travel funds (i.e., how will you pay for the remainder of the trip, and how firm is that financial commitment)
8. Statement justifying the request for assistance (i.e. why do you need the money, what you will do if you don't get the award)
9. Other information that might help in the decision process
The deadline for receipt of application letters will be June 30, 2017 with decisions announced several weeks thereafter.
Those applying for travel funds should submit abstracts at the same time.
For manager travel awards:
Applications are now being accepted for funds to help defray the travel costs of public health and resource managers attending the Ninth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the U.S. Funding to assist 3-7 managers is being provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research Coastal Ocean Program (NOAA/CSCOR/COP) and is intended primarily for state, local, and tribal managers who would otherwise not be able to attend. The purpose is to facilitate technology transfer and information exchange so that research results can be put to immediate management use.
To apply for funds, please send a letter (preferably via e-mail) to Mindy Richlen at the U.S. National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms, The application letter should include the following:
1. Name, address, telephone, e-mail
2. Institutional affiliation.
3. Management role with regard to Harmful Algal Blooms
4. Firm estimate of round trip airfare costs, housing, meals, and other travel needs, if justified (see meeting web site for meeting costs).
5. Other sources of travel funds (if available)
6. Statement justifying the request for assistance
7. Other information that might help in the decision process
We especially encourage applications from managers newly involved in HAB issues. For more information, contact Applications are due June 30, 2017.
Additional information will be available soon.